Ingredients needed:
1) 1 White Chinese cabbage (Baechu) 2) 1 radish (mowoo) 3) coarse salt
Paste Ingredients:
1) Red chilli powder 2)Radish 3) Spring Onion 4) Garlic 5) Ginger 6) Onions 7) Glutinous Rice flour 8) Sugar 9)Red carrot (optional)
Cut the White Chinese cabbage in half and cut cubes for radish (leave 1/3 radish for kimchi paste use). Seperate the cabbages and radish.
Sprinkle salt on each layers / leaves of white cabbage and the radish cubes. Leave the cabbage in container and radish in bowl. Let them 'dehydrate' for 4 hours. During these 4-5 hours, turn the cabbages and radish so that they are salted evenly.
Spices Paste:
Shred radish/red carrot and cut spring Onions (approx 2 inches in length).
Grind Garlic (abt 1 big clove), 3-4 slices of Ginger, 1/4 Small Onion together.
Kimchi Paste:
Prepare 1 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of Glutinous rice. Put the Glutinous rice flour and water in low fire and stir till the mixture is sticky. When the mixture turns transparent and bubbles starts to form, add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the mixture and mixture is ready.
Put mixture in mixing bowl, add half cup of chilli powder, spices paste, Shreded Radish/Spring Onions and mix everything evenly.
After the cabbages and radish have finished the 'dehydration' process, wash the cabbages and radish thoroughly to remove the salt. Your white cabbages and radish should be softer now.
Wear gloves (as your skin may be sensitive to the red chilli powder) and apply the Kimchi paste on each layers of the leaves of the white cabbages. You will then mix the remaining Kimchi paste with the radish. Place the marinated cabbages in plastic bag ang put in air tight containers. Do likewise for Radish Kimchi. Store the containers in Fridge. I prefer to eat the Kimchi after few days as there will be more Kimchi sauce and is much tastier.
(Note: You can also substitute the glutinous paste with warm water ie. stir the chilli power in warm water and sugar until it become paste form. You can then add the spices paste and shreded radish etc. But I prefer the taste of the Glutinous rice paste)
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